“We have been serving poor and vulnerable people in Haiti for over 40 years, and, although the situation in the country has always been challenging, I have never known it to be this catastrophic.” 

Dr. Jeremiah Lowney is referring to gang violence, destruction of infrastructure (schools, hospitals, roads, government buildings), crippling inflation, critical shortages of food and medicines, rising malnutrition, preventable diseases raging out of control, uncertainty, and terror. These are now the problems facing the people of Haiti every day.

What does the future hold for Haiti? No one knows, but we do know that HHF’s commitment to the people of Haiti is stronger than ever.

We have no intention of closing our operations, and we continue to provide compassionate, professional care to a growing number of people who rely on us for survival. Thousands continue to flee the violence in Port au Prince and are heading south toward Jeremie and other countryside areas. All of this has been placing additional strain on our staff, as well as our stock of food, medicine, and supplies.

Despite their own struggles, many of the people in our area, including our staff of 259, have welcomed displaced people into their homes. The scarcity and expense of food, combined with more mouths to feed, is causing increased hunger and malnutrition, especially in children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Our accomplishments are many – preventive and curative healthcare for tens of thousands, including dental and mental health services, nutritional support, distribution of sanitation kits, goats and fruit trees, and access to education for children.

On behalf of over 250,000 people who are suffering,
“Mesi pou tout ou fe pou nou.” – “Thanks for all you do for us.”

We need your help more than ever.

Once again, a generous donor has offered to match your gifts, meaning your donation will be doubled.



Read more about our work in 2023

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